
GC: n

S: WHO – (last access: 8 August 2015);;jsessionid=598DC04B8644EA609A324D27EF67ECC7 (last access: 8 August 2015); GDT.

N: 1. tsetse: Any member of the genus Glossina.
2. Tsetse fly (genus Glossina) is any member of a genus of bloodsucking flies in the housefly family Muscidae (order Diptera), that occur only in Africa and transmit sleeping sickness in humans. They also transmit a similar disease called nagana in domestic animals. Tsetse flies have mandibles modified into bladelike structures used to pierce skin. They readily feed on the blood of humans, domestic animals, and wild game. The widespread presence of the tsetse has inhibited human settlement and agriculture in large areas of sub-Saharan Africa.
3. All 21 tsetse species are similar in appearance. They are robust, sparsely bristled flies that are usually larger than their relative, the housefly. They range from 6 to 16 mm (0.2 to 0.6 inch) in length. Tsetses are rather drab in appearance, with colour varying from yellowish brown to dark brown, and with a gray thorax that often has dark markings. The abdomen may be banded. The stiff, piercing mouthparts, directed downward as the fly bites, are held horizontally at other times. While resting, the wings are held flat over the back. A bristlelike appendage (arista) on each antenna bears one row of long, branched hairs, differentiating the tsetse fly from all other flies.

S: 1. DORLAND p. 1975. 2 & 3. EncBrit – (last access: 19 November 2013).

SYN: 1. tsetse fly. 2. tsetse.

S: 1. EncBrit (last access: 19 November 2013). 2. DORLAND p. 1975; TERMIUMPLUS.

CR: Chagas disease, trypanosome, .