
GC: n

S: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2702871/Treasure-trove-classic-cars-bottom-sea-The-British-Merchant-Navy-ship-carrying-military-vehicles-sunk-Red-Sea-Second-World-War.html (last access: 9 October 2015); http://www.wrecksite.eu/wrecksite.aspx (last access: 9 October 2015).

N: 1. early 13c., “goods cast ashore after a shipwreck, flotsam,” from Anglo-French wrec, from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Norse *wrek “wreck, flotsam” (cognates: Norwegian, Icelandic rek), related to reka “to drive, push,” from Proto-Germanic *wrekan (see wreak (v.)). The meaning “a shipwreck” is first recorded mid-15c.; that of “a wrecked ship” is by c.1500. General sense of “remains of anything that has been ruined” is recorded from 1713; applied by 1795 to dissipated persons. Compare wrack (v.).
2. The hull of a ship which has become a total loss through stress of weather, stranding, collision, or any other cause, whether it lies on the bottom of the sea or on the shore.
3. The ruined remains of a vessel which has been rendered useless, usually by violent action, as by the action of the sea and weather.
4. Meaning a wrecked ship.
5. Wreck may be defined as property cast ashore within the ebb and flow of the tide after shipwreck. The property must be a ship, her cargo or a portion of it or aircraft on or over the sea or tidal waters. (Halsbury, 4th ed., Vol. 8, 989).
6. In addition to a complete vessel which has sunk, run aground or burned usually being referred to as a “shipwreck,” the terms “flotsam,” “jetsam” and “derelict” are still used on occasion. “Flotsam” refers to the material or goods left floating on the sea as a result of a wreck, while “jetsam” is material intentionally jettisoned in an attempt to lighten the load of a sinking vessel. “Derelict” refers to any property, whether vessel or cargo, abandoned at sea without hope or intention of recovery. The term “wreck” also includes any part of a ship or boat, its equipment or cargo. In Canada, the laws governing the treatment of shipwrecks and marine salvage are embodied in the Canada Shipping Act, administered by the CANADIAN COAST GUARD.
7. Cultural Interrelation: Roman Artefacts Discovered In 1,600-Year-Old Shipwreck In Caesarea, Israel.

S: 1. OED – http://goo.gl/5rLr8X (last access: 3 September 2014). 2, 3 & 4. GDT – http://www.granddictionnaire.com/ficheOqlf.aspx?Id_Fiche=8419232 (last access: 3 September 2014). 5. TERMIUM PLUS (last access: 9 October 2015). 6. http://thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/sunken-shipsshipwrecks/ (last access: 9 October 2015). 7. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/roman-artefacts-discovered-shipwreck-in-caesarea-israel_uk_573adf98e4b0f0f53e36a29a (last access: 8 June 2016).


CR: shipwreck