

S: RESG – Trials_conducted_using_administrative_databases_do_not_adequately_report_elements_related_to_use_of_databases (last access: 15 December 2024); TofM – (last access: 15 December 2024).

N: 1. trial (n): mid-15c., “an examination before a court” to determine guilt or innocence or the rightness of a cause; also “a trial by arms;” from Anglo-French trial, noun formed from Old French trier “to try, pick out, cull” (12c.), from Gallo-Roman *triare, a word of unknown origin.

It is attested by late 15c. generally as “act or process of testing; a putting to proof by examination, experiment, etc.” By 1540s as “state of being tried, a being subject to affliction or trouble through experience of something.”

As an adjectival phrase, (rule of) trial-and-error is recorded from 1806. Trial balloon (1826) translates French ballon d’essai, a small balloon sent up immediately before a manned ascent to determine the direction and tendency of winds in the upper air, though the earliest use in English is figurative.

2. A trial is the hearing of statements and presentation of evidence in a court of law to determine whether a person is guilty of a crime or to resolve a legal case.

. trial proceedings

. trial by jury is a fundamental right.

3. Legal actions; Courts

The examination of a cause, civil or criminal, before a judge who has jurisdiction over it, according to the laws of the land.

An examination before a competent tribunal of the facts or law in issue in a cause of action for the purpose of determining the issue.

Trial: In law, a judicial examination of issues of fact or law for the purpose of determining the rights of the parties involved. Attorneys for the plaintiff and the defendant make opening statements to a judge or jury, then the attorney for the plaintiff makes his case by calling witnesses, whom the defense attorney may cross-examine. Unless the case is then dismissed for lack of sufficient evidence, the defense attorney next takes a turn calling witnesses, whom the plaintiff’s attorney cross-examines.

4. The court, or a justice of the court, shall preside over the pre-trial conference, the purpose of which is to, consider the matters that, to promote a fair and expeditious trial, would be better decided before the start of the proceedings and other similar matters; and make arrangements for decisions on those matters.

5.  Collocations: in court of a law.

  • adj: fair | unfair | full | criminal | fraud, murder, rape | jury | crown court, high court, supreme court | civil | public | show | controversial, notorious, sensational.
  • verb + trial: come to, face, go on, go to, stand | bring sb to, commit sb for, put sb on | attend | order | adjourn | halt, stop | tell (in a news report).
  • trial + verb: proceed, take place | begin, open | continue, resume | collapse.
  • trial + noun:court, judge, jury, lawyer | verdict | procedure, proceedings, process.
  • prep + trial: at the | during | on | without | by | for | over.

6. Cultural Interrelation: We can mention the 1925 novel The Trial by Franz Kafka (1883–1924), a seminal work that explores the absurdity and alienation of the judicial system. Additionally, the American film The Trial of the Chicago 7, directed by Aaron Sorkin in 2020, dramatizes the real-life legal battles of seven activists charged with conspiracy and inciting riots during the 1968 Democratic National Convention.

In the realm of theatre, Trial by Jury (1875), a comic operetta by W.S. Gilbert (1836 – 1911) and Arthur Sullivan (1842 – 1900) , offers a satirical take on the English legal system, exploring a fictional trial centered around a breach of promise to marry.

Lastly, the historical Trials of Nuremberg (1945–1946) remain a pivotal moment in world history, where Nazi war criminals were prosecuted for crimes against humanity in the aftermath of World War II.

S: 1. Etymonline – (last access: 14 December 2024). 2. CD – (last access: 14 December 2024). 3.  TERMIUM PLUS – , (last access:16 December 2024); EncBrit – (last access: 16 December 2024). 4. TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 16 December 2024).  5. OCD – (last access: 18 December 2024). 6. Amazon –, (last access: 17 December 2024); IMDb –  (last access: 17 December 2024); The Guardian  – (last access: 17 December 2024).


CR: judge, trial in camera , verdict.