shanty town

GC: n

S: BBC – (last access: 26 February 2013); RedcrossInt – (last access: 31 October 2018).

N: 1. – shanty (adj): 1836, from shanty (“rough cabin,” 1820, from Canadian French chantier “lumberjack’s headquarters,” in French, “timberyard, dock,” from Old French chantier “gantry,” from Latin cantherius “rafter, frame”. Shanty Irish in reference to the Irish underclass in the U.S., is from 1928 -title of a book by Jim Tully-).
– town (n): Old English tun “enclosure, garden, field, yard; farm, manor; homestead, dwelling house, mansion;” later “group of houses, village, farm,”.
2. A town or a part of a town where the people are poor and live in shanties.
3. The fact that cities in LEDCs are growing rapidly means that conditions can be poor. There are often great inequalities within LEDC urban areas and they are even more pronounced in LEDCs.
Some of the worst conditions are found in the shanty towns on the edge of the city, near the CBD or along main transport routes. They tend to be unplanned and are often illegal. Houses are self-built using basic materials and shanty towns have few services.
Shanty town residents face many problems on a daily basis. Khayelitsha in South Africa is a shanty town located near the city of Cape Town. Shanty towns are also known as townships in South Africa. Khayelitsha has a population of over 1.8 million people and is one of the largest townships in South Africa.

S: 1. OED –; (last access: 18 June 2015). 2. MW – (last access: 2 September 2014). 3. BBC – (last access: 16 May 2016).

GV: shantytown

S: OED – (last access: 18 June 2015); IATE – (last access: 16 May 2016).

SYN: slum area, jerry-built town.

S: IATE – (last access: 16 May 2016)

CR: human settlement, humanitarian aid, insanitary living conditions, refugee camp, shanty, sustainable development.