reverse osmosis

Grammatical category: n

Term sources: EncBrit; GDT; TERMIUM PLUS.

Notes: 1. Reverse osmosis occurs when pressure is applied to the solution on the side of the membrane that contains the lower solvent concentration. The pressure forces the solvent to flow from a region of low concentration to one of high concentration. Reverse osmosis often is used for water purification. Osmosis or reverse osmosis can be utilized in certain instances to perform separations prior to a chemical assay.
2. The flow of water through a membrane from a more concentrated to a less concentrated solution as a result of application of pressure to the former in excess of the osmotic pressure difference between the two. Term and definition standardized by ISO.
Note’s sources: 1. EncBrit. 2. TERMIUM PLUS.

Synonyms: 1. RO. 2. RO, hyperfiltration. 3. RO.

Synonyms’ sources: 1. IATE. 2. GDT. 3. TERMIUM PLUS.