GC: n
S: NYTIMES – http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/14/world/for-jihadists-denmark-tries-rehabilitation.html?_r=0 (last access: 15 December 2014); BBC – http://www.bbc.com/news/world-30080914 (last access: 15 December 2014).
N: 1. Jihad- from Arabic, usually translated as “holy war,” literally “struggle, contest, effort,” from infinitive of jahada “he waged war, he applied himself to.” Used in English since c.1880 for any sort of doctrinal crusade.
2. Islamic fundamentalist movement that favours the pursuit of jihads in defence of the Islamic faith.
3. It also can be called “jehadism”.
S: 1. Etymonline – http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=jihad&searchmode=none (last access: 15 December 2014). 2 & 3. COL – http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/jihadism (last access: 15 December 2014).
CR: bioterrorism, cyberterrorism, Taliban.