hybrid seed

GC: n

S: FAO – http://www.fao.org/docrep/014/i1816e/i1816e00.pdf (last access: 15 December 2013); GDT – http://www.granddictionnaire.com/ficheOqlf.aspx?Id_Fiche=10445878 (last access: 27 September 2015).

N: 1. Based on desirable traits, breeders select specific male and female parent plants. The plants selected to be the female seed-bearing partner have their pollen bearing anthers removed. They receive pollen only from those plants selected as their partners. By controlling the pollination, the resulting offspring will have identifiable genetic characteristics from both parents.
2. Producing hybrid seed is more time consuming and expensive because the plants must be hand pollinated. In addition, plant breeders may work for years to find the right combination of desirable traits they are looking for in a plant.

S: HHH – http://urbanext.illinois.edu/hortihints/0102a.html (last access: 15 December 2013)


CR: agriculture, ecology.