healthy food

GC: n

S: (last access: 30 July 2015); (last access: 30 July 2015).

N: 1. 1550s, “being in a sound state;” also “conducive to health,” from health + -y. Earlier in the same sense was healthsome (1530s). Related: Healthily; healthiness.
Healthsome is from 1530s in the sense “bestowing health.”
food (n): Middle English foode, fode, from Old English foda “food, nourishment; fuel,” also figurative, from Proto-Germanic fodon, from Germanic fod- “food,” from PIE pat-, extended form of root pa- “to tend, keep, pasture, to protect, to guard, to feed” (cognates: Greek pateisthai “to feed;” Latin pabulum “food, fodder,” panis “bread,” pasci “to feed,” pascare “to graze, pasture, feed,” pastor “shepherd,” literally “feeder;” Avestan pitu- “food;” Old Church Slavonic pasti “feed cattle, pasture;” Russian pishcha “food”).
Food-chain is from 1917. Food-poisoning attested by 1864; food-processor in the kitchen appliance sense from 1973; food-stamp (n.) is from 1962.
2. Healthy food choices are foods that are not high in fat or sugars.

S: 1. OED –; (last access: 30 July 2015). 2. TERMIUMPLUS.


CR: alimentary, health food, nutrient, organic food.