
GC: n

S: WHO – (last access: 24 August 2016); Webmd – (last access: 24 August 2016).

N: 1. New Latin. First Known Use: circa 1913.
2. salmonellosis, any of several bacterial infections caused by certain species of Salmonella, important as the cause of a type of food poisoning in humans and of several diseases in domestic animals. The term salmonellosis has been used generally for two main kinds of gastrointestinal diseases in humans: enteric fevers (including typhoid and paratyphoid fevers) and gastroenteritis. The latter is caused primarily by S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis; it occurs following ingestion of the bacteria on or in food, in water, or on fingers and other objects. Contamination is mainly from two sources: food products from diseased poultry, hogs, …
3. Veterinary medicine: Disease of poultry caused by bacteria of the numerous Salmonella group, other than Salmonella pullorum (causing B.W.D. or Pullorum disease) and Salmonella gallinarum (causing fowl typhoid).
4. Veterinary medicine: A build-up of these organisms in the incubator rooms of a hatchery can cause serious losses amongst the newly hatched birds.

S: 1. MW – (last access: 24 August 2016). 2. EncBrit – (last access: 24 August 2016 ). 3 & 4. GDT – (last access: 24 August 2016 ).


CR: alimentary toxic infection, bacterium, disease, rat, salmonella, snake, turtle, typhoid fever.