
GC: n

S: WHO – http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs377/en/ (lasst access: 11 November 2014); ACOG – http://www.acog.org/Resources-And-Publications/Committee-Opinions/Committee-on-Gynecologic-Practice/The-Role-of-Transvaginal-Ultrasonography-in-the-Evaluation-of-Postmenopausal-Bleeding (last access: 11 November 2014).

N: 1. 1960, from ultra- + sonography 1956, from comb. form of Latin sonus + -gram. Related: Sonograph (1951).
2. Use of ultrasound to produce an image or photograph of an organ or tissue.
3. Ultrasonic echoes are recorded as they strike tissues of different densities.

S: 1. OED – http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=Ultrasonography+&searchmode=none. (last access: 11 November 2014). 2 & 3. TERMIUM PLUS (last access: 11 November 2014).

SYN: US, sonography, echography.

S: TERMIUM PLUS (last access: 11 November 2014)

CR: cyst, Doppler effect, Doppler ultrasound, pregnancy.