GC: n
S: UNESCO – https://en.unesco.org/inclusivepolicylab/e-teams/perspectives-experts-lived-experiences-social-work (last access: 4 June 2020); NCBI – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29140502/?from_term=SOCIAL+WORKER&from_pos=1 (last access: 4 June 2020).
N: 1. It´s necessary to analyze both words, “social” and “worker”, in an independent way.
– The adjective “social” comes directly from Latin socialis “of companionship, of allies; united, living with others; of marriage, conjugal”. Something interesting is that “social worker” appears in 1886 and four years later in 1890 appears “social work”.
– On the other hand, the noun “worker” appears in mid-14c., “laborer, toiler, performer, doer,” agent noun from work (v.). As a type of bee, 1747. As “one employed for a wage,” 1848. Old English had wyrcend “worker, laborer.”
2. A person who works for the social services or for a private organization providing help and support for people who need it.
3. Social worker come from social work, and its definition is: “any of various professional activities or methods concretely concerned with providing social services and especially with the investigation, treatment, and material aid of the economically, physically, mentally, or socially disadvantaged“.
4. Social workers support individuals and their families through difficult times and ensure that vulnerable people, including children and adults, are safeguarded from harm. Their role is to help in improving outcomes in people’s lives.
S: 1. OED – https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=social-worker; https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=worker, https://www.etymonline.com/word/work (last access: 4 June 2020). 2. CAMBRIDGE – https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/social-worker (last access: 4 June 2020). 3. MW – https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/social%20worker#other-words (last access: 4 June 2020). 4. TERMIUM PLUS – https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2alpha/alpha-eng.html?lang=eng&i=1&srchtxt=social+worker&index=alt&codom2nd_wet=1#resultrecs (last access: 4 June 2020).
CR: education, social education.