right to health

GC: n

S: EUR-Lex – https://bit.ly/2QtTkbI (last access: 6 January 2019); WHO – https://bit.ly/1AyodQl (last access: 6 January 2019).

N: 1. – right (n): Old English riht (West Saxon, Kentish), reht (Anglian), “that which is morally right, duty, obligation,” also “rule of conduct; law of a land;” also “what someone deserves; a just claim, what is due; correctness, truth; a legal entitlement, a privilege,” from the root of right (adj.1). Meaning “the right” (as opposed to the left) is from mid-13c.; political use from 1825. From early 14c. as “a right action, a good deed.” Meaning “a blow with the right fist” is from 1898. The phrase to rights “at once, straightway” is 1660s, from sense “in a proper manner” (Middle English).
– to (prep): Old English to “in the direction of, for the purpose of, furthermore,” from West Germanic *to (source also of Old Saxon and Old Frisian to, Dutch toe, Old High German zuo, German zu “to”), from PIE pronominal base *do- “to, toward, upward” (source also of Latin donec “as long as,” Old Church Slavonic do “as far as, to,” Greek suffix -de “to, toward,” Old Irish do, Lithuanian da-), from demonstrative *de-. Not found in Scandinavian, where the equivalent of till (prep.) is used.
– health (n): Old English hælþ “wholeness, a being whole, sound or well,” from Proto-Germanic *hailitho, from PIE *kailo- “whole, uninjured, of good omen” (source also of Old English hal “hale, whole;” Old Norse heill “healthy;” Old English halig, Old Norse helge “holy, sacred;” Old English hælan “to heal”). With Proto-Germanic abstract noun suffix *-itho.
Of physical health in Middle English, but also “prosperity, happiness, welfare; preservation, safety.” An abstract noun to whole, not to heal. Meaning “a salutation” (in a toast, etc.) wishing one welfare or prosperity is from 1590s. Health food is from 1848.
2. The right to health means that governments must generate conditions in which everyone can be as healthy as possible. Such conditions range from ensuring availability of health services, healthy and safe working conditions, adequate housing and nutritious food. The right to health does not mean the right to be healthy.
The right to health has been enshrined in international and regional human rights treaties as well as national constitutions all over the world.
3. The “right to health” is enshrined in all international human rights conventions …. The right to health means to say that governments must implement policies and plans to provide accessible health care to everyone in the shortest possible time …
4. As a matter of law, States’ obligations under international law (including human rights treaties where applicable) include their obligation to take measures to progressively realize the right to health (…).

S: 1. OED – https://bit.ly/2VzWr5v; https://bit.ly/2FbOIpg (last access: 6 January 2019). 2. WHO – https://bit.ly/1AyodQl (last access: 6 January 2019). 3 & 4. TERMIUM PLUS – https://bit.ly/2RBzT5i (last access: 6 January 2019).


CR: human rights