GC: n
S: MEDLP – https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000381.htm (last access: 12 October 2022); NHS – https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/prostate-problems/ (last access: 12 October 2022).
N: 1. “the prostate gland,” 1640s, from French prostate, from Medieval Latin prostata “the prostate,” from Greek prostatēs (adēn) “prostate (gland),” from prostatēs “leader, ruler, guardian; one standing in front,” from proistanai “set before,” from pro “before” (from PIE root *per- (1) “forward,” hence “in front of, before”) + histanai “cause to stand,” from PIE root *sta- “to stand, make or be firm.” So called from its position at the base of the bladder and immediately in front of its mouth. Related: Prostatic.
2. prostate gland, chestnut-shaped reproductive organ, located directly beneath the urinary bladder in the male, which adds secretions to the sperm during the ejaculation of semen. The gland surrounds the urethra, the duct that serves for the passage of both urine and semen. Rounded at the top, the gland narrows to form a blunt point at the bottom, or apex. The diameter in the broadest area is about 4 cm (1.6 inches). The two ejaculatory ducts, which carry sperm and the fluid secreted by the seminal vesicles, converge and narrow in the centre of the prostate and unite with the urethra. The urethra then continues to the lower segment of the prostate and exits near the apex.
3. The prostate gland is a conglomerate of tubular or saclike glands that secrete fluids into the urethra and ejaculatory ducts. The secretory ducts and glands are lined with a moist, folded mucous membrane. The folds permit the tissue to expand while storing fluids. Beneath this layer is connective tissue composed of a thick network of elastic fibres and blood vessels. The tissue that surrounds the secretory ducts and glands is known as interstitial tissue; this contains muscle, elastic fibres, and collagen fibres that give the prostate gland support and firmness. The capsule enclosing the prostate is also of interstitial tissue.
4. In man, the prostate contributes 15–30 percent of the semen secreted by the male. The fluid from the prostate is clear and slightly acidic. It is composed of several protein-splitting enzymes; fibrolysin, an enzyme that reduces blood and tissue fibres; citric acid and acid phosphatase, which help to increase the acidity; and other constituents, including ions and compounds of sodium, zinc, calcium, and potassium.
5. Normally, the prostate reaches its mature size at puberty, between ages 10 and 14. Around age 50, the size of the prostate and the amount of its secretions commonly decrease. Enlargement of the prostate in size after midlife, often making urination difficult, may occur as a result of inflammation or malignancy. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in men worldwide. Males who do not secrete adequate amounts of the male hormone androgen may maintain normal function of the prostate with injections of androgen.
The Skene gland (paraurethral gland) in females, which is located at the lower end of the urethra, is considered homologous to the prostate gland in males and is sometimes referred to as the female prostate.
6. prostate: A gland in the male that surrounds the bladder neck and urethra.
– prostate: designation derived from the Terminologia Anatomica.
– A09.3.08.001: Terminologia Anatomica identifying number.
S: 1. OED – https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=prostate (last access: 12 October 2022). 2 to 5. EncBrit – https://www.britannica.com/science/prostate-gland (last access: 12 October 2022). 6. TERMIUM PLUS – https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2alpha/alpha-eng.html?lang=eng&i=1&srchtxt=prostate&index=alt&codom2nd_wet=1#resultrecs (last access: 12 October 2022).
SYN: prostate gland
S: EncBrit – https://www.britannica.com/science/prostate-gland (last access: 12 October 2022); BritDict – https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/prostate (last access: 12 October 2022).
CR: prostate cancer, prostate-specific antigen, urinary tract infection.