
GC: n

S: UNESCO – https://bit.ly/1P0J7AK (last access: 27 May 2017); TMO – https://bit.ly/2vYbTi2 (last access: 27 May 2017).

N: 1. “person who migrates,” 1760, from migrant (adj.).
2. A person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions.
3. Person moving from a former to a new place of residence which may be in another country, province or municipality or even within a municipality.
4. Terminology used by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
5. A migrant is a person who makes a conscious choice to leave their country to seek a better life elsewhere. Before they decide to leave their country, migrants can seek information about their new home, study the language and explore employment opportunities. They can plan their travel, take their belongings with them and say goodbye to the important people in their lives. They are free to return home at any time if things don’t work out as they had hoped, if they get homesick or if they wish to visit family members and friends left behind..
Refugees are forced to leave their country because they are at risk of, or have experienced persecution. The concerns of refugees are human rights and safety, not economic advantage. They leave behind their homes, most or all of their belongings, family members and friends. Some are forced to flee with no warning and many have experienced significant trauma or been tortured or otherwise ill-treated. The journey to safety is fraught with hazard and many refugees risk their lives in search of protection. They cannot return unless the situation that forced them to leave improves. (RCOA)
6. Not to be confused with “migrant” in other fields and contexts:

  • migrant (Animal behavior): A migratory animal such as fish, birds and so on.
  • migrant or commuter (Transportation; Labour and Employment): A person travelling between home and a fixed work or school location.

S: 1. OED – https://bit.ly/2UIEkcx (last access: 27 May 2017). 2. OD – https://bit.ly/2TsbbSF (last access: 27 May 2017). 3 & 4. TERMIUM PLUS – http://goo.gl/QytcTT (last access: 27 May 2017). 5. SSI – https://bit.ly/1fYoFke (last access: 27 May 2017). 6. TERMIUM PLUS – http://goo.gl/QytcTT (last access: 27 May 2017); FCB.


CR: displaced person, emigrant, emigration, forced migration, immigrant, immigration, irregular migration, migration, refugee, small boat, Ulysses syndrome.