
GC: n

S: WebMD – (last access: 8 December 2015); MN – (last access: 8 December 2015).

N: 1. early 15c., “medical treatment of a disease or wound,” from Middle French médication and directly from Latin medicationem (nominative medicatio) “healing, cure,” from past participle stem of medicare, medicari “to medicate, heal, cure” (poetic and Late Latin) from medicus “physician, healing”.
2. According to Dorland’s Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers, this term has three meanings:

  1. medicine.
  2. impregnation with a medicine.
  3. administration of a medicine or other remedy.

3. A medication is a substance that is taken into or placed on the body that does one of the following things:

  • Most medications are used to cure a disease or condition. For example, antibiotics are given to cure an infection.
  • Medications are also given to treat a medical condition. For example, anti-depressants are given to treat depression.
  • Medications are also given to relieve symptoms of an illness. For example, pain relievers are given to reduce pain.
  • Vaccinations are given to prevent diseases. For example, the Flu Vaccine helps to prevent the person from complications of having the flu.

S: 1. Etymonline – (last access: 8 December 2015). 2. TFD – (Dorland’s Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers © 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved) (last access: 8 December 2015). 3. DHHS – (last access: 8 December 2015).

SYN: drug administration

S: Cofeprix – (last access: 8 December 2015)

CR: drug, drug product, drug substance, fentanyl, hallucinogen, medicine, placebo, placebo effect, sleeping pill.