
GC: n

S: https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/2A/2A-103 (last access: 9 November 2017); http://www.nj.gov/dca/divisions/codes/publications/pdf_lti/lease_term_law.pdf (last access: 9 November 2017).

N: 1. “one to whom a lease is given,” late 15c., from Anglo-French lesee, Old French lessé, past participle of lesser “to let, to leave” (10c., Modern French laisser), from Latin laxare, from laxus “loose”.
2. The person to whom a lease is made or given. (Jowitt, p. 1983).
3. User or renter of the leased asset or property. In case of capital leases, the lessee is also the ‘debtor’ to the lessor. When real estate is leased, the lessee is called a tenant.
4. As nouns the difference between lessee and tenant is that lessee is an individual or a corporation who has the right of use of something of value, gained through a lease agreement with the real owner of the property while tenant is one who pays a fee (rent) in return for the use of land, buildings, or other property owned by others.
As verbs the difference between lessee and tenant is that lessee is while tenant is to hold as, or be, a tenant.
5. The term “tenant” is used in the field of real estate and “lessee” in the fields of real estate and personal estate.

S: 1. OED – https://www.etymonline.com/word/lessee (last access: 9 November 2017). 2. TERMIUM PLUS – http://www.goo.gl/5ttjVd (last access: 9 November 2017). 3. BD – http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/lessee.html (last access: 9 November 2017). 4. WikiDiff – http://wikidiff.com/lessee/tenant (last access: 9 November 2017). 5. GDT – http://www.granddictionnaire.com/ficheOqlf.aspx?Id_Fiche=503326 (last access: 9 November 2017); FCB.


CR: landlord, lease, lessor, tenant.