HIV infection

GC: n

S: NIH – (last access: 30 July 2014); Mednet – (last access: 28 July 2015).

N: 1. The spectrum of immunodeficiency and disease associated with HIV infection.
2. Characterized by a gradual deterioration of immune function. During the course of infection, crucial immune cells called CD4+ T cells are disabled and killed, and their numbers progressively decline. CD4+ T cells play a crucial role in the immune response, signaling other cells in the immune system to perform their special functions.
3. The term AIDS is used to indicate only the most severe diseases or clinical conditions (i.e., infections, neoplasm) observed in the continuum of illness related to infection with the retrovirus human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Infection with HIV and AIDS are not synonymous terms.
4. HIV infection is a condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The condition gradually destroys the immune system, which makes it harder for the body to fight infections.

S: 1, 2 & 3. TERMIUM PLUS (last access: 30 July 2014). 4. (last access: 30 July 2014).

SYN: HIV disease

S: TERMIUM PLUS (last access: 30 July 2014)

CR: AIDS, HIV, infection.