high blood pressure

GC: n

S: WHO – http://www.who.int/features/qa/82/en/ (last access: 14 July 2015); NIHH – http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/hbp (last access: 14 July 2015).

N: 1. High blood pressure (HBP) is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems.
2. hypertension, also called high blood pressure, condition that arises when the blood pressure is abnormally high. Hypertension occurs when the body’s smaller blood vessels (the arterioles) narrow, causing the blood to exert excessive pressure against the vessel walls and forcing the heart to work harder to maintain the pressure. Although the heart and blood vessels can tolerate increased blood pressure for months and even years, eventually the heart may enlarge (a condition called hypertrophy) and be weakened to the point of failure. Injury to blood vessels in the kidneys, brain, and eyes also may occur.

S: 1. NIHH – http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/hbp (last access: 14 July 2015). 2. EncBrit – https://www.britannica.com/science/hypertension (last access: 14 July 2015).

SYN: 1. hypertension. 2. raised blood pressure

S: 1. DORLAND p. 896; EncBrit – https://www.britannica.com/science/hypertension (last access: 14 July 2015). 2. WHO – http://www.who.int/features/qa/82/en/ (last access: 14 July 2015).

CR: artery, blood pressure, common carotid artery, Cushing’s syndrome.