GC: n
S: http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/facts/gov.htm (last access: 26 February 2013); http://www.goodgovernance.org.au/about-good-governance/what-is-good-governance/ (last access: 3 September 2014).
N: 1. Good governance is about the processes for making and implementing decisions. It’s not about making ‘correct’ decisions, but about the best possible process for making those decisions.
2. Good decision-making processes, and therefore good governance, share several characteristics. All have a positive effect on various aspects of local government including consultation policies and practices, meeting procedures, service quality protocols, councillor and officer conduct, role clarification and good working relationships.
S: http://www.goodgovernance.org.au/about-good-governance/what-is-good-governance/ (last access: 3 September 2014)