
GC: n

S: NYTimes – (last access: 28 October 2016); (last access: 31 October 2016).

N: 1. From Greek glōssa, “tongue,” and lalia, “talking”.
2. Speech which is profuse and often emotionally charged that mimics coherent speech but is usually unintelligible to the listener and that is uttered in some states of religious ecstasy and in some schizophrenic states.
3. In religious worship, glossolalia occurred among adherents of various ancient religions, including some of the ancient Greek religions. There are references to ecstatic speech in the Hebrew Bible (1 Samuel 10:5–13, 19:18–24; 2 Samuel 6:13–17; 1 Kings 20:35–37), and in Christianity it has occurred periodically since the early years of the church. According to the New Testament, glossolalia first occurred among the followers of Jesus at Pentecost, when “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts of the Apostles 2:4). The Apostle Paul referred to it as a spiritual gift (1Corinthians 12–14) and claimed that he possessed exceptional ability in that gift (1 Corinthians 14:18).
4. Glossolalia produced a significantly different pattern of brain activity than singing, the team reports in the November issue of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. Perhaps the most important difference was a decrease in frontal lobe function. “The part of the brain that normally makes them feel in control has been essentially shut down.”
5. The term « glossolalia » is also used in musicology.
6. Glossolalia is sometimes confused with xenoglossia, which is the biblical “gift of tongues.” However, whereas glossolalia is babbling in a nonexistent language, xenoglossia is the ability to speak fluently a language the speaker has never learned.
7. Cultural Interrelation: John Barth named one of his short story from Lost in the Funhouse (1968), Glossolalia.

S: 1. EncBrit – (last access: 28 October 2016). 2. MW – (last access: 28 October 2016). 3. EncBrit – (last access: 28 October 2016). 4. AAAS – (last access: 28 October 2016). 5. TERMIUMPLUS – (last access: 28 October 2016). 6. GTQs – (last access: 28 October 2016). 7. Koelb, Clayton. “John Barth’s ‘Glossolalia.’” Comparative Literature, vol. 26, no. 4, 1974, pp. 334–345. (last access: 28th October 2016).


RC: Gilles de la Tourette syndrome