
GC: n

S: NDLR – https://ntrda.me/2Toruja (last access: 11 April 2017); AHR – https://bit.ly/2FSpkWb (last access: 11 April 2017).

N: 1. From Late Latin expatriare, to exile, and patria, native land.
2. A term used in a general sense for the banishment of a person from his own country. In international law expatriation is the renunciation or change of allegiance to one’s native or adopted country. It may take place either by a voluntary act or by operation of law. Some countries, as France and England, disclaim their subjects if they become naturalized in another country, others, again, passively permit expatriation whether a new nationality has been acquired or not; others, as Germany, make expatriation the consequence of continued absence from their territory.
3. Voluntary renunciation of the citizenship of one country for the citizenship of another.

S: 1 & 2. EncBrit – https://bit.ly/2RfCAFD (last access: 11 April 2017). 3. BD – https://bit.ly/2HykX4f (last access: 11 April 2017).


CR: emigration, émigré, exile, exiled, expatriate, repatriation, immigration, repatriated person.