
GC: n

S: MN – (last access: 1 April 2015); NCBI – (last access: 8 February 2021).

N: 1. New Latin, from “erythro-” (before vowels, erythr-, word-forming element meaning “red,” from Greek erythro-, comb. form of erythros “red” -in Homer, also the color of copper and gold-) and “-phobia” (New Latin, from Late Latin, from Greek, from -phobos fearing, from phobos fear, flight, from phebesthai to flee; akin to Lithuanian bėgti to flee, Old Church Slavic běžati).

2. An abnormal and persistent fear of blushing. Sufferers of erythrophobia experience undue anxiety even though they realize their fear is irrational. Their anxiety results from worry about being the focus of attention and the subject of embarrassment. Attempts to suppress blushing often have the opposite effect. Sufferers of erythrophobia tend to avoid social gatherings and workplace projects that require them to interact with, or speak before, groups of co-workers.

3. “Erythrophobia” also can refer to fear of the color red because of what it may symbolize, such as blood. The terms “redcoat” (British soldier in the American Revolution) and “red” (synonym for “communist”) gave Americans valid reasons to fear red. Other terms with “red” that have a negative connotation include “redeye” (an overnight air flight), “caught red-handed” (caught with evidence of guilt) “red-herring” (a deceptive tactic), “red ink” (a financial loss) and “seeing red” (angry).

S: 1. MW –; (last access: 1 April 2015). 2 & 3. MN – (last access: 1 April 2015).

SYN: ereuthophobia, erytophobia, ereuthrophobia.

S: GDT (last access: 1 April 2015)

CR: belonefobia, hemophobia, phobia, rosacea.