
GC: n

S: SAB – (last access: 4 March 2017); N – (last access: 4 March 2017).

N: 1. – deportee (n): 1895; from “deport” (“banish,” 1640s, from French déporter, from Latin deportare “carry off, transport, banish, exile,” from de- in its sense of “off, away” + portare “to carry” but associated by folk etymology with portus “harbor”; related: deported; deporting) and “-ee” (word-forming element in legal English (and in imitation of it), representing the Anglo-French ending of past participles used as nouns; as these sometimes were coupled with agent nouns in -or, the two suffixes came to be used as a pair to denote the initiator and the recipient of an action; not to be confused with the French -ée that is a feminine noun ending (as in fiancée), which is from Latin -ata).
– deported (adj): From the past participle of verb to deport (to send out of the country by legal deportation).
2. A person who has been or is being expelled from a country.
3. In the field of Citizenship and Immigration: expellee, deportee.
A person expelled, especially from his native or adopted country.
4. Approximately two million French deportees returned to this setting in April and May 1945. They were not a homogenous group. Roughly half of them were prisoners of war: men who had been captured in 1940 and who had spent the last five years in Germany as forced laborers. The second largest group was that of the labor deportees, most of whom the Vichy government had drafted for obligatory national service in Germany. The final portion was made up of French citizens who had been deported to Germany and placed in either concentration or extermination camps due to their Jewish ancestry or as punishment for suspected resistance activity.

S: 1. OED –; (last access: 4 March 2017); MW – (last access: 4 March 2017). 2. OD – (last access: 4 March 2017). 3. TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 4 March 2017). 4. JWSFH – (last access: 4 March 2017).


CR: asylee, banished person, banishment, deportation, expellee, extradited person, repatriated person.