bituminous coal

GC: n

S: Reuters – (last access: 25 November 2015); EncBrit – (last access: 29 March 2015).

N: 1. bituminous coal, also called soft coal, the most abundant form of coal, intermediate in rank between subbituminous coal and anthracite according to the coal classification used in the United States and Canada.
2. In Britain bituminous coal is commonly called “steam coal,” and in Germany the term Steinkohle (“rock coal”) is used.
3. In the United States and Canada bituminous coal is divided into high-volatile, medium-volatile, and low-volatile bituminous groups.
4. Coal that ranks between subbituminous coal and anthracite and that contains more than 14% volatile matter (on a dry, ash-free basis) …
5. Bituminous coal is dark brown to black in colour and burns with a smoky flame.

S: 1 to 3. EncBrit – (last access: 29 March 2015). 4 & 5. TERMIUM PLUS (last access: 29 March 2015).

SYN: soft coal, ring coal (old)

S: TERMIUM PLUS (last access: 29 March 2015)

CR: anthracite, artificial asphalt, asphalt, bitumen, carbon, coal, coke, lignite, mineral coal, natural gas, petroleum, pitch, soft brown coal, tar.