
GC: n

S: NCBI – (last access: 25 October 2016); NCI – (last access: 25 October 2016).

N: 1. 1896, from angio- (before verbs angi-, word-forming element now usually meaning “covered or enclosed by a seed or blood vessel,” from Latinized form of Greek angeion “a vessel, receptacle,” diminutive of angos “chest, box,” which is of unknown origin) + -genesis (word-forming element meaning “birth, origin, creation,” from Greek genesis).
2. The Scottish anatomist and surgeon John Hunter provided the first recorded scientific insights into the field of angiogenesis. His observations suggested that proportionality between vascularity and metabolic requirements occurs in both health and disease. This belief is summarized in his Treatise published in 1794 as follows: “In short, whenever Nature has considerable operations going on, and those are rapid, then we find the vascular system in a proportionable degree enlarged.”
3. Angiogenesis, formation of new blood vessels. Angiogenesis is a normal process during growth of the body and in the body’s replacement of damaged tissue. However, it can also occur under abnormal conditions, such as in tumour progression. At some point, after months or even years as a harmless cluster of cells, tumours may suddenly begin to generate blood vessels—apparently because they develop the ability to synthesize certain growth factors that stimulate the formation of vessels.
4. The process of angiogenesis is controlled by chemical signals in the body. These signals can stimulate both the repair of damaged blood vessels and the formation of new blood vessels. Other chemical signals, called angiogenesis inhibitors, interfere with blood vessel formation. Normally, the stimulating and inhibiting effects of these chemical signals are balanced so that blood vessels form only when and where they are needed.
5. Angiogenesis plays a critical role in the growth and spread of cancer. A blood supply is necessary for tumors to grow beyond a few millimeters in size. Tumors can cause this blood supply to form by giving off chemical signals that stimulate angiogenesis. Tumors can also stimulate nearby normal cells to produce angiogenesis signaling molecules. The resulting new blood vessels “feed” growing tumors with oxygen and nutrients, allowing the cancer cells to invade nearby tissue, to move throughout the body, and to form new colonies of cancer cells, called metastases.
6. Cultural Interrelation: We can mention the book Angiogenesis: Insights from a Systematic Overview (2013).

S: 1. OED – (last access: 28 October 2016). 2. NCBI – (last access: 28 October 2016). 3. EncBrit – (last access: 28 October 2016). 4. NCBI – (last access: 28 October 2016). 5. CAN – (last access: 28. October 2016). 6. (last access: 28 October 2016). 6. (last access: 28 October 2016).


CR: cancer, cancerology.