GC: n S: SDir – https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/analeptic (last access: 10 January 2025); RESG – https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322683288_Coramine_and_Other_Analeptics (last access: 10 January 2025). N: 1. 1660s, in medicine, “restorative, invigorating, strengthening,” from Latinized form of Greek analeptikos “restorative,” from analambanein “to restore, repair,” literally “take up,” from ana “up” (see ana-) + lambanein “to take”.
CG: n S: WFP – https://www.wfp.org/global-hunger-crisis (last access: 15 December 2024) ; FAO – https://www.fao.org/newsroom/detail/global-report-on-food-crises—acute-hunger-remains-persistently-high-in-59-countries-with-1-in-5-people-assessed-in-need-of-critical-urgent-action/en (last access: 15 December 2024). N: 1.- food (n): Middle English foode, fode, from Old English foda “food, nourishment; fuel,” also figurative, from Proto-Germanic *fodon (source also of Swedish föda, Danish föde, Gothic fodeins), from
GC: n S: CDC – https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/30/8/23-0677_article (last access: 19 December 2024); NCBI – https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9034083/ (last access: 19 December 2024). N: 1. From word-forming element “micro-” (meaning “small in size or extent, microscopic; magnifying;” in science indicating a unit one millionth of the unit it is prefixed to; from Latinized form