human trafficking

GC: n

S: The Guardian – (last access: 4 September 2014); UNODC – (last access: 1 February 2019).

N: 1. – human (adj): mid-15c., humain, humaigne, “human,” from Old French humain, umain (adj.) “of or belonging to man” (12c.), from Latin humanus “of man, human,” also “humane, philanthropic, kind, gentle, polite; learned, refined, civilized.” This is in part from PIE *(dh)ghomon-, literally “earthling, earthly being,” as opposed to the gods (from root *dhghem- “earth”), but there is no settled explanation of the sound changes involved. Compare Hebrew adam “man,” from adamah “ground.” Cognate with Old Lithuanian žmuo (accusative žmuni) “man, male person.”
– trafficking (n): traffic +‎ -ing. As a verb: present participle of traffic / present participle of traffick. As a noun: trafficking (plural traffickings).
2. Organized criminal activity in which human beings are treated as possessions to be controlled and exploited (as by being forced into prostitution or involuntary labor).
3. Human trafficking, also called trafficking in persons, form of modern-day slavery involving the illegal transport of individuals by force or deception for the purpose of labour, sexual exploitation, or activities in which others benefit financially. Human trafficking is a global problem affecting people of all ages. It is estimated that approximately 1,000,000 people are trafficked each year globally and that between 20,000 and 50,000 are trafficked into the United States, which is one of the largest destinations for victims of the sex-trafficking trade.
4. Migrant smuggling and human trafficking are two different offences. While smuggling refers to facilitating the illegal entry of a person into a country, trafficking includes an element of exploitation because the trafficker maintains control over the migrant through force, fraud, coercion, etc.

S: 1. OED – (last access: 1 February 2019); Wiktionary – (last access: 1 February 2019). 2. MW – (last access: 1 February 2019). 3. EncBrit – (last access: 2 September 2015). 4. TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 2 September 2015).

SYN: 1. trafficking in persons. 2. trafficking of persons, trafficking, trafficking in human beings. 3. people trafficking.

S: 1. TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 2 September 2015); EncBrit – (last access: 2 September 2015). 2. TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 2 September 2015). 3. COSNAUTAS/LIBRO ROJO (last access: 1 February 2019).

CR: bonded labour, forced migration, human rights, illegal confinement, irregular migration, migration, organ trafficking.