bonded labour

GC: n

S: Antislav – (last access: 11 February 2019); BBC – (last access: 11 February 2019).

N: 1. – bonded (adj): “legally confirmed or secured by bond,” 1590s, from verb “bond” (1670s, “to put in a bond” (transitive), from bond (n.). Intransitive sense “hold together from being bonded” is from 1836; originally of things; of persons by 1969).
bond (adj): c. 1300, “in a state of a serf, unfree,” from bond (n.) “tenant, farmer holding land under a lord in return for customary service; a married bond as head of a household” (mid-13c.).
– labor (n): c. 1300, “a task, a project” (such as the labors of Hercules); later “exertion of the body; trouble, difficulty, hardship” (late 14c.), from Old French labor “toil, work, exertion, task; tribulation, suffering” (12c., Modern French labeur), from Latin labor “toil, exertion; hardship, pain, fatigue; a work, a product of labor,” a word of uncertain origin. Some sources venture that it could be related to labere “to totter” on the notion of “tottering under a burden,” but de Vaan finds this unconvincing. The native word is work.
Meaning “body of laborers considered as a class” (usually contrasted to capitalists) is from 1839; for the British political sense see labour. Sense of “physical exertions of childbirth” is attested from 1590s, short for labour of birthe (early 15c.); the sense also is found in Old French, and compare French en travail “in (childbirth) suffering” (see travail). Labor Day was first marked 1882 in New York City. The prison labor camp is attested from 1900. Labor-saving (adj.) is from 1776. Labor of love is by 1797.
2. Work performed under conditions of servitude.
3. A practice in which employers give high-interest loans to workers whose entire families then labor at low wages to pay off the debt; the practice is illegal in the United States.

S: 1. OED –; (last access: 11 February 2019). 2. GDT – (last access: 11 February 2019). 3. Memidex – (last access: 11 February 2019).

SYN: debt slavery, debt servitude, debt bondage, debt peonage.

S: EncBrit – (last access: 11 February 2019)

CR: human trafficking