emergency area

GC: n

S: Medicare – https://bit.ly/2DvssVA (last access: 24 January 2019); GOV.UK – https://bit.ly/2MsMPW3 (last access: 24 January 2019).

N: – emergency (n): “unforeseen occurrence requiring immediate attention,” 1630s, from Latin emergens, present participle of emergere “to rise out or up” (see emerge). Or from emerge + -ency. As an adjective by 1881.
– area (n): 1530s, “vacant piece of ground,” from Latin area “level ground, open space,” used of building sites, playgrounds, threshing floors, etc.; which is of uncertain origin. Perhaps an irregular derivation from arere “to become dry” (see arid), on notion of “bare space cleared by burning.” The generic sense of “any particular amount of surface (whether open or not) contained within any set of limits” is from 1560s. Area code in the North American telephone systems is attested from 1959.
2. “Emergency area” means an area designated by the Secretary under Public Law 86-299 and Public Law 87-127 as an area of emergency in which assistance will be given under the Livestock Feed Program.
“Emergency county” means a county in which all or any part thereof is within the emergency area.
3. In the USA, if you live in an area that’s been declared an emergency or disaster, the usual rules for your medical care may change for a short time. Affected areas are areas where one of these has happened:

  • The President has declared it an emergency or disaster. Visit the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or call 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362) to see if your area is affected. TTY users should call 1-800-462-7585.
  • A governor has declared it an emergency or disaster. Visit your state government’s official website to find out if your area is affected.
  • The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has declared a public health emergency. Visit the HHS Public Health Emergency website, or call 1-800-MEDICARE to find out if your area is affected.

S: 1. OED – https://bit.ly/2B3SSfg (last access: 24 January 2019). 2. CofFR – https://bit.ly/2FWnd2L (last access: 24 January 2019). 3. Medicare – https://bit.ly/2DvssVA (last access: 24 January 2019).

SYN: disaster area

S: OT – https://bit.ly/2FMqa6Q (last access: 8 May 2015); Medicare – https://bit.ly/2DvssVA (last access: 24 January 2019).

CR: humanitarian assistance