blood coagulation

GC: n

S: (last access: 7 July 2015); NCBI – (last access: 2 August 2021).

N: 1. blood coagulation: coagulation is the replacement of a relatively unstable platelet plug with a stronger, more resilient blood clot through a series of interdependent, enzyme-mediated reactions that bring about the generation of thrombin and the formation of fibrin from fibrinogen.
2. The sequential process by which the multiple coagulation factors of the blood interact in the coagulation cascade, ultimately resulting in the formation of an insoluble fibrin clot.

S: 1. EncBrit – (last access: 7 July 2015). 2. DORLAND p. 376.

SYN: blood clotting

S: GDT (last access: 7 July 2015)

CR: disseminated intravascular coagulation, hematology.