GC: n
S: FAO – http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/x0413e/x0413e02.htm (last access: 25 August 2015); EncBrit – http://global.britannica.com/science/trypanosome (last access: 25 August 2015).
N: 1. From the genus Trypanosoma and this from the Greek trypanon, “borer,” plus sōma, “body,” Trypanosoma is a genus of hemoflagellate protozoa, several species of which are pathogenic in humans.
2. trypanosome, any member of a genus (Trypanosoma) of parasitic zooflagellate protozoans belonging to the order Kinetoplastida. Adult trypanosomes are mainly blood parasites of vertebrates, especially fishes, birds, and mammals. Most species require an intermediate host (often an insect or a leech) to complete their life cycle. Sleeping sickness (also called African trypanosomiasis), for example, caused by T. gambiense or T. rhodesiense, is transmitted by tsetse flies.
3. Trypanosoma (Latin), trypanosome: A genus of protozoan parasites of the family Trypanosomatidae, order Protomastigida, found in the blood and lymph of invertebrates and vertebrates, including man.
S: 1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3293449/ (last access: 25 August 2015). 2. EncBrit – http://global.britannica.com/science/trypanosome (last access: 25 August 2015). 3. TERMIUMPLUS.