economic stagnation

GC: n

S: (last access: 23 September 2015); (last access: 23 September 2015).

N: 1. economic (adj): 1590s, “pertaining to management of a household,” perhaps shortened from economical, or else from French économique or directly from Latin oeconomicus “of domestic economy,” from Greek oikonomikos “practiced in the management of a household or family” (also the name of a treatise by Xenophon on the duties of domestic life), hence, “frugal, thrifty,” from oikonomia “household management” (see economy (n.)). Meaning “relating to the science of economics” is from 1835 and now is the main sense, economical retaining the older one of “characterized by thrift.”
stagnation (n): 1660s, noun of action from stagnate (v.).
stagnate (v): 1660s, from Latin stagnatum, stagnatus, past participle of stagnare “to stagnate,” from stagnatum “standing water, pond, swamp,” perhaps from a PIE root *stag- “to seep drip”. Figurative use by 1709. Related: Stagnated; stagnating.
2. A prolonged period of little or no growth in the economy. Economic growth of less than 2 to 3% annually is considered stagnation. Periods of stagnation are also marked by high unemployment and involuntary part-time employment. Stagnation can also occur on a smaller scale in specific industries or companies or with wages.
3. Often called simply “stagnation”.

S: 1. OED –;; (last access: 23 September 2015). 2. (last access: 23 September 2015). 3. FCB.


CR: marasmus, stagnation.