
GC: n

S: NCBI – https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1071579/ (last access: 2 December 2016); JHM – https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/hypnosis (last access: 21 October 2024).

N: 1. 1850, “the coming on of sleep,” coined (as an alternative to hypnotism) from hypno- “sleep” + -osis “condition.” But the distinction was not sustained, and by 1876 hypnosis was being used of artificially induced conditions.

  • Avicenna (980-1037), a Persian Physician, documented the characteristics of the “trance”(Hypnotic Trance) state in 1027. At that time hypnosis as a medical treatment was seldom used until the German Doctor, Franz Mesmer, reintroduced it in the 18th Century
    Frans Mesmer (1734–1815) believed that there is a magnetic force or “fluid” within the universe that influences the health of the human body. He experimented with magnets to impact this field in order to produce healing. By around 1774, he had concluded that the same effect could be created by passing the hands in front of the subject’s body, later referred to as making “Mesmeric passes.” The word “mesmerize”, formed from the last name of Franz Mesmer, was intentionally used to separate practitioners of mesmerism from the various “fluid” and “magnetic” theories included within the label “magnetism”.
  • The Scottish ophthalmologist James Braid is the father of modern hypnotism. It was Braid who first coined the term neuro-hypnotism (nervous sleep), which later became “hypnotism” and “hypnosis” (1841). Braid had visited a demonstration of a French magnetist, La Fontaine in 1841. He scoffed at the ideas of the Mesmerists, and was the first to suggest that hypnosis was psychological. Braid is perhaps the first practitioner of psychosomatic medicine. In 1847 he tried to explain hypnosis by “monoideism” (focus on one idea), but the term “hypnosis” had advanced in the work of the Nancy School, and is still the term used today.

2. Hypnosis is a trancelike state of altered consciousness that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject.

3. hypnosis, special psychological state with certain physiological attributes, resembling sleep only superficially and marked by a functioning of the individual at a level of awareness other than the ordinary conscious state. This state is characterized by a degree of increased receptiveness and responsiveness in which inner experiential perceptions are given as much significance as is generally given only to external reality.

4. Clinial Psychology: hypnosis.

  • Altered state of consciousness characterized by suggestibility and deep relaxation.

5. Cultural interrelation:

  • Fiction: We can refer to some books from Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) such as: A Tale of the Ragged Mountains (1844); Mesmeric Revelation (1844); The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar (1845); Eureka (1848).
  • Reality: When Sigmund Freud studied with Charcot in 1885, he was very impressed by the therapeutic potential of hypnosis for neurotic disorders. On his return to Vienna he used it to induce in states of hypnosis his neurotic patient to recall disturbing events that they had apparently forgotten. As he began to develop his system of psychoanalysis, the difficulty he encountered in hypnotizing some patients led Freud to discard hypnosis in favour of free association.

S: 1. Etymonline – https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=hipnosis (last access: 21 October 2024); dir.md – https://dir.md/alchetron.com/Hypnosis (last access: 21 October 2024); JM – https://johnmongiovi.com/history-hypnosis (last access: 21 October 2024). 2. MW – https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hypnosis (last access: 2 December 2016). 3. EncBrit – https://www.britannica.com/science/hypnosis (last access: 21 October 2024). 4. TERMIUM PLUS – https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tpv2alpha/alpha-eng.html?lang=eng&i=1&srchtxt=hypnosis&index=alt&codom2nd_wet=1#resultrecs (last access: 21 October 2024). 5. GR – https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/21785701-edgar-allan-poe-s-rue-morgue (last access: 21 October 2024); FP – https://goo.gl/g5Wj4N (last access: 2 December 2016).


CR: somnambulism