transmissible disease

GC: n

S: SDir – (last access: 24 September 2024); DHSW – (last access: 24 September 2024).

N: 1. – transmissible (adj): 1640s, from Latin transmiss-, stem of transmittere “send across, carry over” + -ible. Related: Transmissibility.
– disease (n): early 14c., “discomfort, inconvenience, distress, trouble,” from Old French desaise “lack, want; discomfort, distress; trouble, misfortune; disease, sickness,” from des- “without, away” + aise “ease”). Restricted pathological sense of “sickness, illness” in English emerged by late 14c.; the word still sometimes was used in its literal sense early 17c., and was somewhat revived 20c., usually with a hyphen (dis-ease).

2. Communicable diseases, also known as infectious diseases or transmissible diseases, are illnesses that result from the infection, presence and growth of pathogenic (capable of causing disease) biologic agents in an individual human or other animal host. Infections may range in severity from asymptomatic (without symptoms) to severe and fatal. The term infection does not have the same meaning as infectious disease because some infections do not cause illness in a host.

3. Disease causing biologic agents include viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and aberrant proteins known as prions. Transmission of these biologic agents can occur in a variety of ways, including direct physical contact with an infectious person, consuming contaminated foods or beverages, contact with contaminated body fluids, contact with contaminated inanimate objects, airborne (inhalation), or being bitten by an infected insect or tick. Some disease agents can be transmitted from animals to humans, and some of these agents can be transmitted in more than one way.

4. Epidemiology and Biotechnology: communicable disease.
A disease, the causative organism of which is transmissible from one person to another either directly or indirectly through a carrier or vector.

5. communicable disease, transmissible disease, infectious disease: a disease (such as one caused by a bacterium, virus or prion) that can spread from person to person, from animal to animal, between nonhuman animals and people, or from the environment to nonhuman animals or people, by direct or indirect means (eg via an insect vector).

  • communicable is more commonly used for human diseases than for animal diseases.
  • contagious disease: a disease that spreads from person to person, from animal to animal, or between nonhuman animals and people, by direct contact with the infected individual or their secretions
  • infective animal or person: an animal or person who is at a stage of an infection at which they are able to spread the infection to others
  • noncommunicable: a disease or condition that is not spread among animals or humans, such as diabetes
  • transmissible: capable of being spread either directly (eg via contact or air) or indirectly (eg via a vector).

S: 1. Etymonline – (last access: 10 December 2018). 2 & 3. DHSW – (last access: 10 December 2018). 4. TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 10 December 2018). 5. AMOSS – (last access: 10 December 2018).

SYN: communicable disease (depending on context)

S: DHSW – (last access: 24 September 2024), TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 10 December 2018); ACPHD – (last access: 10 December 2018); CDC – (last access: 10 December 2018).

CR: contagion, Huntington’s chorea, infectious disease.