
GC: n

S: Medteams – (last access: 17 May 2016); RACP – (last access: 17 May 2016).

N: 1. early 13c., fisicien “a healer, a medical practitioner,” from Old French fisiciien “physician, doctor, sage” (12c., Modern French physicien means “physicist”), from fisique “art of healing,” from Latin physica “natural science”. Distinguished from surgeon from c. 1400. The ph- spelling attested from late 14c.

2. Hippocrates, (born c. 460 bc , island of Cos, Greece—died c. 375 , Larissa, Thessaly) ancient Greek physician who lived during Greece’s Classical period and is traditionally regarded as the father of medicine. It is difficult to isolate the facts of Hippocrates’ life from the later tales told about him or to assess his medicine accurately in the face of centuries of reverence for him as the ideal physician. About 60 medical writings have survived that bear his name, most of which were not written by him. He has been revered for his ethical standards in medical practice.

3. A person skilled in the art of healing; specifically : one educated, clinically experienced, and licensed to practice medicine as usually distinguished from surgery.

4. A physician is an MD (Doctor of Medicine) or DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine). Many people also refer to physicians informally as doctors, eg., “Doctor Smith.” Strictly speaking, however, anyone with a doctorate degree (e.g., PhD, EdD, PharmD (pharmacist), or DDS (dentist)) is a doctor as well.

5. Cultural Interrelation: We can mention The physician, a novel written by Noah Gordon and initially published in 1986.

At the beginning of the movie The Hanging Tree (1959), directed by Delmer Daves, we can see the doctor’s bag with the letters M.D. on it.

S: 1. Etymonline – (last access: 17 May 2016). 2. EncBrit – (last access: 17 May 2016). 3. (last access: 17 May 2016). 4. AMA – (last access: 17 May 2016). 5. Blogcritics – (last access: 17 May 2016); GR – (last access: 29 september 2024); IMDb – (last access: 16 November 2024).


CR: family physician, medicine, prescription.