GC: n
S: FAO – http://www.fao.org/docrep/009/y5401e/y5401e00.htm (last access: 26 April 2013); http://www.fns.usda.gov/fdd/food-distribution-programs (last access: 3 September 2014).
N: Enough food is produced worldwide to feed all the people in the world (Leathers, p. 133). However, despite this alarming truth, nearly 1 billion people are suffering from chronic hunger today. There are a wide range of factors that contribute to this problem, but perhaps one of the most significant is poor food distribution.
S: http://12.000.scripts.mit.edu/mission2014/problems/inadequate-food-distribution-systems (last access: 6 September 2015)
CR: malnutrition