
GC: adj

S: WHO – http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs103/en/ (last access: 6 June 2015); http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1286457914003037 (last access: 6 June 2015).

N: 1. late 14c., “decreed by fate,” also “fraught with fate,” from Middle French fatal (14c.) and directly from Latin fatalis “ordained by fate, decreed, destined; destructive, deadly,” from fatum; sense of “causing or attended with death” in English is from early 15c. Meaning “concerned with or dealing with destiny” is from mid-15c.
2. In other fields and contexts, mortal (ES) and mortel, -elle may be translated as mortal in English.
3. Collocations:
– causing death:

  • Verbs: be, prove.
  • Adv.: near He has not driven since his near fatal crash earlier this year. | always, invariably, universally | often, sometimes, usually | rarely | potentially The disease is potentially fatal.
  • Prep.: for This kind of accident is almost always fatal for the pilot. | to a chemical which is invariably fatal to small mammals.

S: 1. OED – http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=fatal (last access: 6 June 2015). 2. FCB. 3. http://oxforddictionary.so8848.com/search?word=fatal (last access: 6 June 2015).

SYN: deadly, deathly, lethal, mortiferous, terminal (context).

S: http://www.synonym.com/synonyms/fatal/ (last access: 6 June 2015)

CR: life-threatening wound, mortality.