
GC: n

S: REUTERS – https://reut.rs/2DtGNST (last access: 17 November 2018); EURONEWS – https://bit.ly/2Tn9XIW (last access:17 November 2018).

N: 1. Late Old English, the second book of the Old Testament, from Latin exodus, from Greek exodos “a military expedition; a solemn procession; departure; death,” literally “a going out,” from ex- “out” + hodos “a way, path, road; a ride, journey, march,” figuratively “way out, means,” a word of uncertain origin. General sense (with lower-case -e-) is from 1620s.
2. – Exodus: the mainly narrative second book of canonical Jewish and Christian Scripture.
– exodus: A mass departure: emigration.
3. Population decline and the exodus of young people from rural areas to towns and cities is a serious problem throughout Europe.
4. Some areas are suffering from rural exodus and an ageing population, together with low population density and dispersed centres of population, while others that are closer to urban areas are under increasing pressure due to a rising demand for building plots and demographic developments.
5. The General Assembly, deeply disturbed by the scale and magnitude of exoduses and displacements of people in many regions of the world and by the human suffering of refugees and displaced persons, a high proportion of whom are women and children,Recalling its previous resolutions on this subject, as well as those of the Commission on Human Rights, and the conclusions of the World Conference on Human Rights, held at Vienna from 14 to 25 June 1993,1 which recognized, inter alia, that gross violations of human rights, persecution, political and ethnic conflicts, famine and economic insecurity, poverty and generalized violence were among the root causes leading to mass exoduses and displacements of people.
6. Although implicit in the story of Exodus is a national ambition in which the Israelites are in search of a definite land base, a place where they can exercise self-determination, the ritualization of Exodus in the United States sought to consolidate a highly stratified society.
7. out-migration: Outflow of trained professional and technical personnel at all levels from the developing to the developed countries.
8. Cultural Interrelation: We can mention the book Exodus: How migration is changing our world written by Paul Collier in 2013.

S: 1. OED – https://goo.gl/QDGmZe (last access:14 November 2018). 2. MW – https://bit.ly/2QOvf0f (last access:17 November 2018). 3. EUR-Lex – https://goo.gl/G7rCjc (last access:14 November 2018). 4. EUR-Lex – https://goo.gl/G7rCjc(last access:14 November 2018). 5. UNHCR – https://goo.gl/1ftRfy(last access: 14 November 2018). 6. ERRNE – https://goo.gl/TLmdxh (page 49) (last access: 14 November 2018). 7. TERMIUM PLUS – https://bit.ly/2TnduqG (last access: 17 November 2018). 8. SPRING – https://goo.gl/2mNdQ5 (last access:14 November 2018).


CR: exile, exiled, forced migration, immigration, immigrant, irregular migration.