demilitarized zone

GC: n

S: UN – (last access: 7 June 2024); ICRC – (last access: 7 June 2024).

N: 1. – demilitarized (adj): From the past participle of verb demilitarize also demilitarise; “remove military organization from,” 1869, see de- + militarize. Demilitarized zone attested by 1921 (the Versailles Treaty uses neutralized zone). Abbreviation DMZ, for the one between North Korea and South Korea, is attested by 1960. Related: Demilitarization.

– zone (n): late 14c., from Latin zona “geographical belt, celestial zone,” from Greek zōnē “a belt, the girdle worn by women at the hips,” from zōnnynai “to gird,” from PIE root *yos- “to gird” (source also of Avestan yasta- “girt,” Lithuanian juosiu, juosti “to gird,” Old Church Slavonic po-jasu “girdle”). The 10c. Anglo-Saxon treatise on astronomy translates Latin quinque zonas as fyf gyrdlas.

Originally one of the five great divisions of the earth’s surface (torrid, temperate, frigid; separated by tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and Arctic and Antarctic circles); meaning “any discrete region” is first recorded 1822. Zone defense in team sports is recorded from 1927.

2. Also known as DMZ.

Demilitarized zone (DMZ), region on the Korean peninsula that demarcates North Korea from South Korea. It roughly follows latitude 38° N (the 38th parallel), the original demarcation line between North Korea and South Korea at the end of World War II.

The demilitarized zone (DMZ) incorporates territory on both sides of the cease-fire line as it existed at the end of the Korean War (1950–53) and was created by pulling back the respective forces 1.2 miles (2 km) along each side of the line. It runs for about 150 miles (240 km) across the peninsula, from the mouth of the Han River on the west coast to a little south of the North Korean town of Kosŏng on the east coast. Located within the DMZ is the “truce village” of P’anmunjŏm, about 5 miles (8 km) east of Kaesŏng, North Korea. It was the site of peace discussions during the Korean War and has since been the location of various conferences over issues involving North and South Korea, their allies, and the United Nations.

3. A defined area in which the stationing, or concentrating of military forces, or the retention or establishment of military installations of any description, is prohibited.
4. demilitarized zone: term and definition standardized by NATO.
5. demilitarized zone; DMZ: term and abbreviation officially approved by the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces.

S: 1. Etymonline – (last access: 7 June 2024). 2. EncBrit – (last access: 7 June 2024). 3  to 5. TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 7 June 2024).

OV: demilitarised zone

S: TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 7 June 2024)


S: TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 7 June 2024)

CR: conflicts, international humanitarian law.