
GC: n

S: NMN – (last access: 4 November 2016); MD – (last access: 4 November 2016).

N: 1. From cryo- (word-forming element meaning “very cold, freezing”, from Latinized form of Greek kryo-, combined form of kryos, “icy cold”, related to kryeros, “chilling” + globulin (a type of simple protein, from globule, formerly a word for “corpuscle of blood”) + -emia (word-forming element in pathology meaning “condition of the blood”, from Modern Latin, combined form of Greek haima (genitive haimatos), “blood”).
2. Cryoglobulins are antibodies. It is not yet known why they become solid or gel-like at low temperatures. When this occurs, these antibodies can cause inflammation and block blood vessels. This may lead to problems ranging from skin rashes to kidney failure.
3. There are three main types of cryoglobulinemia. They are grouped based on the type of antibody that is produced:
Type I: it is most often related to cancer of the blood or immune systems.
Type II and Type III: are also referred to as mixed cryoglobulinemia.
Types II and III are most often found in people who have a chronic (long-lasting) inflammatory condition, such as an autoimmune disease or hepatitis C. Most people with this form of the disease have a chronic hepatitis C infection.
4. Symptoms will vary depending on the type of disorder you have and the organs that are involved. Symptoms may include: breathing problems, fatigue, glomerulonephritis, joint pain, muscle pain, purpura, Raynaud’s phenomenon, skin death, skin ulcers…
5. Cryoglobulinemia treatment varies depending on the type.

  • Type I cryoglobulinemia: this disorder is due to a cancer of the blood or immune system such as multiple myeloma. Treatment is directed against the abnormal cancer cells that produce the cryoglobulin.
  • Mixed cryoglobulinemia (Types II and III): mild or moderate forms of cryoglobulinemia can often be treated by taking steps to deal with the underlying cause. Severe cryoglobulinemia involves vital organs or large areas of skin. It is treated with corticosteroids and other medicines that suppress the immune system.

S: 1. OED –;; (last access: 5 November 2016). 2 to 5. MEDLP – (last access: 4 November 2016).

GV: cryoglobulinaemia

S: CMeD p. 164


CR: amputation, disease, etiology, glomerulonephritis, hematology, lupus erythematosus, syndrome.