ambulatory care

GC: n

S: (last access: 15 May 2018); (last access: 15 May 2018).

N: 1. – ambulatory (adj): 1620s, “pertaining to walking;” also “movable; shifting, not permanent,” from Latin ambulatorius “pertaining to a walker; movable,” from ambulator, agent noun from past participle stem of ambulare “to walk, go about”. Middle English had ambulary “movable” (mid-15c.). Related: Ambulatorial.
– care (n): Old English caru, cearu “sorrow, anxiety, grief,” also “burdens of mind; serious mental attention,” in late Old English also “concern, anxiety caused by apprehension of evil or the weight of many burdens,” from Proto-Germanic *karo “lament; grief, care” (source also of Old Saxon kara “sorrow;” Old High German chara “wail, lament;” Gothic kara “sorrow, trouble, care;” German Karfreitag “Good Friday”. Meaning “charge, oversight, attention or heed with a view to safety or protection” is attested from c. 1400; this is the sense in care of in addressing (1840). Meaning “object or matter of concern” is from 1580s. To take care of “take in hand, do” is from 1580s; take care “be careful” also is from 1580s.
The primary sense is that of inward grief, and the word is not connected, either in sense or form, with L. cura, care, of which the primary sense is pains or trouble bestowed upon something. (Century Dictionary).
2. Medical care provided on an outpatient basis, including diagnosis, observation, treatment, and rehabilitation services.
3. Ambulatory care is a type of medical care that is provided to patients who do not need to be admitted to a hospital for treatment. The types of procedures and treatments are sometimes referred to as “outpatient care.” As the “ambulatory” in the term would seem to suggest, classically the patient can get into a medical facility for treatment under his or her own power.

S: 1. OED –; (last access: 15 May 2018). 2. (last access: 1st September 2014). 3. (last access: 1st September 2014).


CR: health