
GC: adj, n

S: CIRNAC – (last access: 19 July 2024); UAF – (last access: 19 July 2024).

N: 1. Innuit. 1765, from Inupiaq Eskimo inuit “the people,” plural of inuk “man, person.”

2. Indigenous Peoples (General): Inuit (adjective).

  • Referring to Inuit or Inuit culture.

3. Inhabitant Names and Names of Peoples and Indigenous Peoples (General): Inuk (noun).

  • In Canada, an Indigenous person who inhabits, or whose ancestors traditionally inhabited, the northern regions and Arctic coasts of Canada known as Inuit Nunangat.
  • Eskimo: term that is considered offensive and should therefore be avoided.
  • Inuk: The plural of “Inuk” is “Inuit.” … The plural form “Inuuk” is also used when referring to two people.

4. Inhabitant Names and Names of Peoples and Indigenous Peoples (General): Inuit (noun).

  • In Canada, an Indigenous People that inhabits or that traditionally inhabited the northern regions and Arctic coasts of Canada known as Inuit Nunangat, and whose members are united by a common origin, history and culture.
  • Inuit are one of the three legally recognized Indigenous Peoples in Canada.
  • Inuit: Because in Inuktitut the noun “Inuit” is already plural in form, it is used in English without the English plural ending “s.”
  • Inuit: Since the term “Inuit” means “the people,” the use of “the” and “people” is redundant and should be avoided in expressions such as “the Inuit” and “Inuit people.”
  • Eskimo; Eskimos: terms that are considered offensive and should therefore be avoided.

S: 1. Etymonline – (last access: 19 July 2024). 2 to 4. TERMIUM PLUS – (last access: 19 July 2024).

OV: Innuit

S: Etymonline – (last access: 19 July 2024)


CR: auk, North Pole.